What Are The Advantages, Uses, & Risk Of Liposuction in Ahmedabad?

 What is liposuction? It is a type of cosmetic surgery that sucks fast from the body and breaks it up for a fit appearance. Usually, it is used to remove excess fat from the abdomen, chin, neck, buttocks, thighs, et cetera.

People undergoing liposuction should have a stable weight. The main aim is to remove undesirable body fat. Do note, this procedure is not used to remove acne, stretch marks, and dimples.

Liposuction removes fat cells permanently, altering the overall appearance of the body. The amount of fat removed is limited to a certain quantity. An experienced plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad can safely carry out the procedure.


Liposuction does not provide any health benefits; it's merely used for improving appearance. Many people can achieve the same and better outcome by adopting a lifestyle including a balanced and healthy diet, exercising on a regular basis, and a healthy sleep schedule. The best skin specialist in Ahmedabad may suggest liposuction only when you didn't achieve the desired outcome by using healthy lifestyle changes. These are the areas where fat can't be reduced with the help of exercise and diet.

A fat cell expands quickly when introduced. This led to huge weight gain. Thus, liposuction reduces or isolates such fat cells. The outcomes are accurate and deliver the desired expectations.

Here is the list of targeted body areas that can be treated by liposuction.

  • Abdomen

  • Back

  • Buttocks

  • Chest

  • Hips

  • The area under the chin & the neckline

  • Thighs

It is worth noting that liposuction works best for people who have good skin tone and elasticity. This is because some people end up having loose-looking skin in the areas where the procedure was carried out. Those going under liposuction in Ahmedabad should be over 18 years and must possess standard health. Further, the one with blood flow or circulation problems such as diabetes and weakened immune system should try avoiding such procedures.


Usually, people going to a dermatologist in Ahmedabad for liposuction are those who want treatment for cosmetics purposes i.e. looks and appearance. Whereas in certain cases it may treat some rare conditions. These entails:

  • Gynecomastia: This is a chronic condition in which men develop female-like breasts due to enlargement of the granular tissues. Such abnormal conditions can easily be treated by under-going liposuction. The best skin doctor in Ahmedabad can help you in carrying out the procedure that delivers the best outcome. For further information related to gynecomastia, we suggest you read, “An Overall Guide To Gynecomastia Surgery (Definition, Do’s, Don’ts, etc.)”.

  • Lipodystrophy syndrome: In this case, fat accumulates only at one part of the body and is absent in another. With the help of liposuction carried by a specialized plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad, one can achieve a natural-looking body fat distribution. Additionally, it may improve the appearance and enhance the look.

  • Lipomas: These are fatty tumors, such tumors may be dangerous to health and can be a cause of cancer.

  • Morbid obesity: This is an order in which the body starts gaining excessive fat. This may even increase the risk of health problems. One is said to be having a morbid condition if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 35. Obesity often occurs from taking more calories aside from burning by exercises and normal activities and can be treated using liposuction.


The patients have to pass some health tests that show whether they’re fit for the surgery or not! Moreover, there are some recommendations made by the skin doctor in Ahmedabad that you must follow.

  • Stop taking regular aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs at least 2 weeks before the operation

  • Do take iron supplements if you’re a patient with anemia

  • Stop consumption of alcohol or tobacco for a few weeks before and after the surgery


You will get clear results once the inflammation goes down. In some cases, it may take up to several months, also the swelling of the area where fat was removed will settle after 3-4 weeks. Because of the sudden reduction of fat from the body, you may feel numbness for several weeks. It may happen that you have to take some painkillers because of the stitches.


Any of the major surgeries like gynecomastia surgery in Ahmedabad, tummy tuck surgery in Ahmedabad, hair transplant in Ahmedabad, et cetera. All may include some set of risks. It depends on the specific training, surgeon’s skill, and how large the treatment area is! Following risks are possible:

  • Inflammation

  • Numbness

  • Internal organ damage

  • Infections

  • Severe bruising

  • Allergic reactions

  • Skin burns

  • Other skin problems

At Elegance Skin & Cosmetic Clinic, we have the best plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad all across. They have years of experience in carrying out successful liposuction surgeries that deliver the optimum results with the minimum risks possible.


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