Dermatologist’s guidance to get flawless skin in summers
Good skincare regimen: To minimize sun damage and prevent breakouts during the months of summer, a good skincare regimen is essential. If you have a good skincare regimen, then it can do wonders for your skin. As dermatologists suggest, no matter what your skin type is, for flawless skin your regimen should have three simple steps: cleansing, treating, and moisturizing. Additionally, if it’s daytime then you shouldn’t forget about sunscreen, especially in summers. You have to follow the skin care regimen twice a day. Cleansing: According to dermatologist guidance facial cleansing is essential. The first step of the skincare routine starts with facial cleansing as it clears out all the impurities and excess oil. Use skin cleanser/Face wash twice a day according to your skin type. People with oily skin types can go with foam-based cleanser and with dry skin types go for gel-based. Treating: Everyone knows about cleansing but might be wondering about treating. As per ...